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Gatekeeping and the Joy of Stanning in Secret

With the rise of local music artists in the Philippines, gatekeepers are on guard to ensure their favorites do not become mainstream or massively known. Are you one of those who finds joy in stanning them in secret? Are you one of the reasons your favorite artists are not eating well?!


Gatekeeping, the concept of gatekeeping comes from social psychologist Kurt Lewin back in 1942. It usually involves protecting certain information or people from others. In the digital age, people often gatekeep rising artists to maintain their authenticity and exclusivity, preventing them from becoming mainstream. This practice has both pros and cons. On the negative side, gatekeeping can hinder an artist’s career by diminishing their hype, preventing them from signing with a label, and in the worst cases, stopping them from performing on stage. However, some artists prefer this type of intimate community as it fosters a circle of fans who genuinely care about their craft and form a strong rapport with them.

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Are you truly a fan if you keep all your favorite artist’s content to yourself instead of sharing it with friends and on social media? Many people support an artist privately, adopting a “when you find gold, don’t share it” mentality. Discovering something unique, beautiful, and unknown to others can make you feel like it should remain your secret. However, sharing their music and sound with others could help these artists gain more recognition and support, enabling them to create more music for their fans to enjoy.

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Some artists in the Philippines, like the Ridleys, experience gatekeeping and discuss it openly on social media platforms like TikTok. One video caption reads, ‘Gatekeep niyo na ang Ridleys may nakakain pa naman sila.’ Benny Manaligod, the band’s vocalist, explained that independent artists lack external funding or promotion. But he also acknowledged the risk of artists changing their style after going viral and understands why fans want to keep the Ridleys’ music special and not be mainstream. On the other hand, some artists don’t want to be gatekept by their fans and audiences. Earl Agustin, an aspiring OPM artist posted on TikTok with the caption ‘ang mang-gatekeep di magkaka jowa’.

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Being one of the pioneer fans of a rising artist can be a rewarding experience. During this time, a sense of exclusivity often happens. Enjoying an artist in secret can give you the thrill of keeping them hidden from your acquaintances or social media. Attending their gigs can be easier because you’ve “gatekept” them, allowing you to be part of a niche community of that said artist. Gatekeeping can be enjoyable for some fans who value exclusivity and want to prevent their favorite artists from becoming overplayed. These fans also feel they are protecting the artists from unnecessary negativity from audiences who don’t appreciate or understand their aesthetic. 


Gatekeeping sometimes provides a sense of superiority. Some artists face fans that have a ‘superiority complex’ . It’s a type of person that believes that they’re better than other people. Some fans go to the extent of gatekeeping rising artists to keep the feeling of being better people than other people because they like something the masses don’t acknowledge yet. This feeling of being unique and a pioneer as a fan of the artist can be quite satisfying, and with this, fans could become addicted to it, leading to more and more gatekeeping of rising artists.  Some people gatekeep artists because they fear their music taste is becoming ‘normal’ or being labeled as ‘normies.’ ‘Normies’ are the labels that the people on the internet put towards some people who enjoy what the masses are listening to and enjoying. Stanning underrated artists makes them feel special and unique. They keep these artists from the limelight to maintain a sense of superiority. 

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Gatekeeping also leads to fan wars between pioneers and new fans. The old fans might feel annoyed that their favorite artist and music are becoming popular, which could diminish their attachment to the artist. Some fans might even stop supporting indie artists once they have garnered massive followings or become mainstream. Old fans may also be emotionally attached to a particular artist’s music, making them territorial. This can lead to a belief that gatekeeping is necessary so they can stan the artist all by themselves and enjoy their fandom in solitude. Some long-time fans dislike new fans who started following the artist after they became popular, accusing them of bandwagoning.

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If you look on TikTok, you’ll find videos of people making content about indie artists and captioning it with ‘gatekeep’’ yet these artists often become more mainstream rather than being gatekept by a community. You’ll find a playlist entitled ‘Gatekeep kahit yung artist nagigipit’ with 73,795 saves on Spotify. This demonstrates that today, particularly among Gen Z, there is a strong appreciation for indie artists and a keen interest in following musicians who have yet to reach mainstream popularity. Gen Z enjoys being among the first to discover local artists or indie bands.

Written by | MGruezo

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