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Kylie Verzosa Introduces New Baby, SOLÁ

Miss International 2016 titleholder and award-winning actress, Kylie Verzosa, introduced SOLÁ, an exquisite collection of high-quality shapewear featuring affordable items at an intimate dinner event held at 205 BGC last January 18.

Taking the reins of the brand’s creative direction, Kylie, with eight years of experience in show business, achieves a significant milestone in her career by founding a brand dedicated to empowering individuals of all walks of life and sizes. The brand’s overarching mission is to cultivate a sense of comfort and uplift individuals through their clothing choices.

Kylie Verzosa Introduces New Baby, SOLÁ 1 - Zeen Magazine
Courtesy of SOLÁ.

Embarking on a new chapter as an entrepreneur, Kylie, a familiar face in the realms of beauty pageantry and acting, ventures into the business landscape with SOLÁ, a brand that underscores the profound importance of comfort and ease in everyday life. This foray into entrepreneurship reflects not only a business endeavor but a personal commitment to revolutionize the way individuals experience and engage with their daily activities through the lens of comfort and functionality.

As someone well-acquainted with an active lifestyle, Kylie’s journey into the world of business has undoubtedly been shaped by her own experiences in seeking comfort during various pursuits. Whether it’s a rigorous fitness routine, a bustling day on set, or a moment of leisure, the idea of comfort has been a guiding force in her approach to daily life. It’s this very essence that she seeks to encapsulate and share with others through SOLÁ, creating a brand that transcends traditional notions of fashion and beauty by placing comfort at its core.

In her debut entrepreneurial venture, Kylie takes on a hands-on role with SOLÁ, reflecting her passion and dedication to the brand’s vision. This beauty queen turned actress is not merely a figurehead but an active participant in every facet of the business, from the initial planning stages to the meticulous execution of each product. What sets SOLÁ apart is not only its commitment to comfort but also its embrace of a female-led approach, with Kylie at the helm alongside a dynamic team of women, collectively steering the brand towards its goals.

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The emphasis on a female-led team highlights a commitment to diversity and empowerment within the business realm. It reflects a conscious decision to amplify the voices and perspectives of women in a traditionally male-dominated industry. SOLÁ becomes a testament to the strength of collaboration and the power of women driving innovation and change. As a leader, Kylie stands not just as an entrepreneur but as a beacon of empowerment, proving that women can be influential forces in shaping the narrative of the business world.

Beyond the surface level of fashion and entrepreneurship, SOLÁ becomes a manifestation of Kylie’s values and ethos. It is a brand that seeks to redefine beauty standards, not through conformity to societal norms, but through the celebration of individuality and the acknowledgment that feeling comfortable in one’s skin is a universal desire. This authentic approach is woven into the fabric of SOLÁ, creating a brand that resonates with those who seek a more genuine and inclusive representation in the products they choose.

The journey of SOLÁ, guided by Kylie’s hands-on involvement, becomes a narrative of passion meeting purpose. It is not merely about creating another business venture but about redefining the relationship individuals have with the clothes they wear. SOLÁ aspires to be more than a brand; it aims to be a companion, an enabler of confidence and ease in every moment of life.

Kylie Verzosa Introduces New Baby, SOLÁ 2 - Zeen Magazine
Courtesy of SOLÁ.

“SOLÁ is my first business and it’s a brand that we wanted to build, it’s based in the intention of making people feel good about themselves and their body. We wanted the brand to be very aspirational but at the same time affordable”, Kylie said in an interview with Zeen.

The debut collection from SOLÁ is named the Mercury Collection, aiming to provide comfort through its execution, high-quality compression without compromising stretchability, making it more ideal for everyday use.

When asked what she believed could be the game-changer for SOLÁ in the industry, she emphasized the reintroduction, if not the introduction, of the so-called ‘shapewear’ in the Philippine market.

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“I think we were able to introduce shapewear not only on what is accustomed but also alone as a top. This feels like a basic need with your wardrobe”, the beauty queen turned actress added. 

Kylie Verzosa Introduces New Baby, SOLÁ 3 - Zeen Magazine
Courtesy of SOLÁ.

In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion, where trends often take precedence, there’s a nuanced yet integral facet that occasionally takes a backseat – comfort. In this dynamic industry, Kylie has emerged as a visionary, placing a deliberate focus on products that go beyond mere sartorial aesthetics. Her mission is rooted in the idea that fashion can be a conduit for elevating day-to-day experiences, with a particular emphasis on comfort that extends beyond the physical realm, reaching into the emotional and psychological aspects of an individual’s well-being.

Kylie’s dedication to enhancing the daily lives of individuals is evident in her unwavering commitment to creating products that prioritize comfort. It’s not just about what people wear; it’s about how they feel in what they wear. The clothing becomes more than a mere ensemble; it transforms into a source of confidence, a tangible expression of self-assurance that resonates with the individual wearer.

In a world where societal standards and ideals often dictate fashion norms, Kylie’s approach stands as a refreshing departure. The emphasis is not solely on adhering to preconceived notions of beauty or conforming to predetermined sizes. Instead, Kylie’s vision extends a welcoming embrace to individuals of all shapes and sizes, fostering inclusivity within the realm of fashion. The underlying philosophy is that everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in what they wear, regardless of societal norms or expectations.

The holistic importance of comfort, as underscored by Kylie, extends beyond the physical sensations of ease and wearability. It becomes a pivotal factor influencing day-to-day endeavors, shaping how individuals navigate their lives. The connection between comfort and overall well-being is not merely incidental; it’s an intentional focus that recognizes the profound impact clothing choices can have on one’s mental and emotional state.

Kylie’s commitment to uplifting people through her fashion endeavors is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s a nuanced understanding that recognizes the diverse needs and preferences of individuals. The goal is not just to provide clothing; it’s to offer an opportunity for individuals to experience a product designed with the intention to uplift and make them feel at home in what they wear. This approach goes beyond the transactional nature of fashion; it’s about fostering a connection between the brand and the wearer, creating a sense of belonging and authenticity.

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In a world with fleeting trends and fast fashion, Kylie’s emphasis on comfort as a cornerstone of her brand speaks to a deeper, more sustainable approach. It challenges the disposable nature of fashion by promoting pieces that stand the test of time, not just in terms of durability but also in their ability to consistently make the wearer feel at ease and confident.

As Kylie navigates the intersection of fashion and comfort, her vision resonates with a growing movement seeking authenticity and inclusivity. It’s a testament to the evolving landscape of the fashion industry, where individuals are increasingly valuing not just the outward appearance of clothing but the holistic experience it provides. In this narrative, comfort becomes a powerful catalyst for self-expression, empowerment, and a redefinition of what it means to truly feel at home in one’s own skin and attire.

“It is so important for us to feel at home with our bodies, it is one of the things we have control over and it’s best just to focus on yourself… I believe it helps not only with our physical appearance but also internal, mentally, spiritually”, she said.  

Kylie Verzosa Introduces New Baby, SOLÁ 4 - Zeen Magazine
Courtesy of SOLA.

SOLÁ’s first few products will be available for pre-order on January 23, 2024 on the brand’s official website,, Kylie also mentioned she will be doing a Tiktok livestream on January 30, 2024 on her Tiktok account which will open the official launch of SOLÁ to the Philippine market. 

For more updates on SOLÁ, follow their social media pages @sola_body on Instagram and Tiktok and visit their website at to sign up for their exclusive newsletter. 

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