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Niko Badayos and Yes My Love’s Journey to PPOP Stardom

Niko Badayos and Yes My Love's Journey to PPOP Stardom 1 - Zeen Magazine

In the vibrant and dynamic world of PPOP, where charisma and exceptional talent reign supreme, one name that stands out is Niko Badayos, the spirited and charismatic leader of the sensational group Yes My Love. With an unwavering dedication to the genre and a heart that pulsates to the infectious rhythm of PPOP, Niko proudly wears his fervor as a badge of honor, determined to leave an indelible mark on the ever-changing and electrifying PPOP music scene.

Inspired by SB19 Niko is inspired by the phenomenal success of SB19, a groundbreaking Filipino sensation. “The boys and I are honored to be part of the PPOP movement showcasing Filipino talent locally and globally,” Niko declares with a spark of ambition in his gaze. He aspires to a future in which PPOP groups collaborate to produce top-notch music, fueled by an unwavering dedication to their craft. “To see SB19 make their mark on the international scene gives us hope that all of us can do the same.” Inspired by SB19’s journey, Niko envisions a collective elevation of Filipino music on the global stage, a testament to the power of passion and unity in the pursuit of artistic excellence.

Memorable Performance in Singapore Niko cherishes the unforgettable memories of their performance at Singapore’s The Spectacle, where they shared the stage with PPOP legends BGYO, Bini, and XOXO. The magic of the stage, with its pulsating adrenaline, euphoric cheers, and dazzling lights, is imprinted on his heart, symbolizing their incredible journey. Reflecting on the experience, Niko’s enthusiasm radiates as he shares, “Every stage is memorable for me, but my favorite performance so far was when we performed at The Spectacle in Singapore; it has a special place in my heart because it was our first out-of-country performance as a group.” The international stage not only showcased their talent but also marked a significant milestone, making the Singapore performance a cherished chapter in Niko’s musical journey.

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Niko Badayos and Yes My Love's Journey to PPOP Stardom 2 - Zeen Magazine

The Challenges of PPOP

Beyond the allure of fame, Niko reveals the hidden challenges woven into their journey. For Yes My Love, the stage is more than just a glamorous spotlight; it is a crucible of trials from which they emerge strong. “The more you perform on stage, the better you get,” Niko emphasizes, describing the group’s artistic development. “Not every day can I give my all in what I do; there will be days when I am physically restricted and mentally drained, and that is the reality of being a performer.” Through Niko’s candid revelations, the audience gains insight into the demanding reality behind the scenes, highlighting the group’s commitment to growth and authenticity in the glittering world of showbiz.

The Creative Process of Music Videos

Beginning his journey into the art of music video creation, Niko passionately reveals the complex procedure of transforming ideas into visual stories. The first video becomes a testament to love and dedication because of meticulous planning and collaborative synergy. Niko thanks management for their unwavering support and acknowledges the invaluable contributions of Arci Muñoz, Albert Nicolas, and the exceptional 143 team members who made their music video dreams a reality. When reflecting on the challenges, Niko laughs heartily, remarking, “Creating a music video with a narrative is bloody challenging, but that’s the fun part for us and the production team.” The journey unfolds as a thrilling exploration of creativity, dedication, and the joy derived from transforming visions into cinematic reality.

Niko Badayos and Yes My Love's Journey to PPOP Stardom 3 - Zeen Magazine

The Homesickness Factor

Behind the scenes, the journey has been anything but smooth. The allure of fame and success does not diminish the difficulties of homesickness and the physical distance between the group members, many of whom come from far-flung places other than Manila. They have, however, turned homesickness into a powerful motivator, using it as fuel to create memories that justify every sacrifice. They’ve discovered a new home away from home in one another, a Yes My Love family that provides unwavering support when needed. Reflecting on the difficulties, Niko emphasizes, “It’s difficult, being away from your loved ones.” However, the group channels those emotions into inspiration, pushing themselves to make each moment extra worth it, as he affirms, “But instead of focusing on those emotions, we used them as inspiration and pushed ourselves to make each moment extra worth it.”

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Niko Badayos and Yes My Love's Journey to PPOP Stardom 4 - Zeen Magazine

Fun Facts About the Members

Niko is more than willing to reveal the quirks that define each group member! “Exposing the boys is like also throwing myself under the bus but I gotta do it!” he says with a smirk. “Here are some fun facts about the boys…” RZ, who is often perceived as the quiet one, has his own set of surprises. Josh, unlike many others, is not a fan of sweets, and Brian’s mistaken identity often causes laughter. Eli emerges as the financial guru, while Jeff is the ultimate fixer-upper. “Jeff is our handyman, “Niko smiles. “He can repair everything; we break it, he fixes it.” In this lighthearted revelation, Niko not only reveals his fellow group members’ quirks, but also demonstrates the camaraderie that adds a layer of joy to their shared journey.

The Future of PPOP

In conclusion, Niko Badayos and Yes My Love stand as a beacon of the vibrant and evolving spirit of PPOP. With dreams that match the grandeur of the stages they passionately grace, they are not just musical performers but architects of an extraordinary journey through electrifying beats and soulful melodies. Their collective passion, undeniable talent, and unwavering determination radiate through each performance, ensuring that every moment spent with them is etched into the memories of their audience.

The synergy within the group is the secret ingredient that elevates their artistry. It is a collaborative force that sparks creativity, captivates diverse audiences, and leaves an indelible mark on the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry. Yes My Love’s musical prowess, seamlessly intertwined with Niko’s magnetic stage presence, unfolds a compelling story that resonates in the hearts of those who experience their art.

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In essence, Niko Badayos and Yes My Love are more than just performers; they are storytellers crafting a narrative that transcends musical boundaries. Through their passion, talent, and synergy, they illuminate the path for future generations of PPOP artists, leaving an enduring legacy in the ever-changing and enchanting world of music.

About the Author – Ristichen

As unique as her name, Ristichen always makes sure she’ll leave a one-of-a-kind encounter with everyone she meets.

Photography by Jai Murcillo
Assisted by  
Bhads Castor
Styling by Kai Chavez
Hair and Makeup by Elijah Uy
Editorial Assistant – Ristichen
Video by Knick Tangonan and Shannen de Jiz

5 Responses

  1. Thank you for this article, Zeen mag! I’m sure it would help more people to get to know Yes My Love’s passionate leader and also the rest of the group!😄

  2. Thank you for this very heart-warming article about YML’s leader, Niko~! As a YML stan, super happy po ng heart ko na nafefeature na po sila sa mga ganito! Manifesting po, hehe, sana mafeature din sila as a group~ I have so much faith in these boys and their talents! Plus, they are so down to earth and friendly to their fans! Really hoping soon po! Once again, thank you for this lovely article!!

  3. hello Zeen Mag! Thank you so much for featuring our Mayor Niko 🥰 and also the other leaders.. hope you can keep writing and supporting our very own pop groups. more power to all of you ❤️‍🔥

  4. Very nice article. Stories that are interested for a fan like me, I get to know more about this artist, his views, his emotions, and other side of him as a performer. Choice if words are very amazing, it sounded so good.

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